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Arch Linux vs Windows 10: What are the differences?

Key Differences between Arch Linux and Windows 10

Arch Linux and Windows 10 are two distinct operating systems with significant differences in terms of architecture, functionality, and customization options. Here are the key differences between the two:

  1. Installation Process: Arch Linux follows a minimalistic approach, requiring users to manually install packages and configure the system, making it a more complex and time-consuming process compared to the relatively straightforward installation of Windows 10, which involves a graphical user interface and automated installation options.

  2. User Interface: Windows 10 provides a user-friendly interface with a graphical desktop environment, while Arch Linux focuses on customization and flexibility, allowing users to choose their preferred desktop environment or window manager. This makes Arch Linux more suitable for advanced users who prefer a personalized interface.

  3. Software Availability: Windows 10 has a vast range of pre-installed software and supports a wide array of third-party applications, making it easier for users to find and install the programs they need. In contrast, Arch Linux has a minimalistic approach to software installation, requiring users to manually install and configure packages using the package manager.

  4. Stability and Updates: Windows 10 emphasizes stability and security, providing regular updates and patches to fix vulnerabilities and improve system performance. Arch Linux, on the other hand, follows a rolling release model, offering more frequent updates and the latest software versions, which can lead to potential stability issues or compatibility concerns.

  5. Customization and Flexibility: Arch Linux promotes customization and flexibility, allowing users to build their system from scratch, selecting only the necessary components and avoiding bloatware. In contrast, Windows 10 provides a pre-packaged operating system with limited customization options, catering more to mainstream users.

  6. Technical Expertise: Arch Linux requires a certain level of technical expertise and familiarity with Linux command-line tools for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting. Windows 10, on the other hand, is more user-friendly and suitable for the average computer user without extensive technical knowledge.

In summary, Arch Linux offers greater customization and flexibility but requires more technical expertise for installation and maintenance, while Windows 10 provides a user-friendly interface, a vast software ecosystem, and regular updates with a focus on stability and ease of use.

Decisions about Arch Linux and Windows 10

Ubuntu is much more faster over Windows and helps to get software and other utilities easier and within a short span of time compared to Windows.

Ubuntu helps to get robustness and resiliency over Windows. Ubuntu runs faster than Windows on every computer that I have ever tested. LibreOffice (Ubuntu's default office suite) runs much faster than Microsoft Office on every computer that I have ever tested.

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I liked manjaro a lot, the huge support it has and the variety of tools it provides is just awesome. But due to its parent platform being Arch Linux it has bleeding-edge technology and that meaning, we get updated 'daily', and if we keep updating the system daily, due to the bugs in the recent updates the system sometimes used to crash, this made the OS really unstable. However, one can avoid such crashes using periodical and careful system/package updates. I now use LinuxMint which is based on Ubuntu, and this OS is completely stable with reliable(mostly tested) updates. And, since this OS is backed up by UBUNTU the concerns/questions one can encounter while using the OS can be easily rectified using the UBUNTU community, which is pretty good. Though this is backed up on UBUNTU it most certainly does NOT include the proprietary stuff of UBUNTU, which is on the bright side of the OS. That's it! Happy Computing.

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Simon Aronsson
Developer Advocate at k6 / Load Impact · | 7 upvotes · 268.4K views

At the moment of the decision, my desktop was the primary place I did work. Due to this, I can't have it blow up on me while I work. While Arch is interesting and powerful, Ubuntu offers (at least for me) a lot more stability and lets me focus on other things than maintaining my own OS installation.

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Pros of Arch Linux
Pros of Windows 10
  • 17
    Large Community
  • 15
    Package Manager
  • 13
  • 12
    Rolling Release
  • 11
    Arch User Repository
  • 11
    Bleeding Edge
  • 10
    Extensive Documentation
  • 8
    Arch Build System
  • 7
    X86_64 architecture supported
  • 4
    Can fix bugs yourself if you know how to
  • 3
    On 4gb other applications less likely to run smoothly
  • 3
  • 2
    Best for Indonesian PC Users
  • 2
    The best developer tools for all devices
  • 1
    Editors choice. But not suitable on 4gb ram. Alth
  • 1
    Complies with JIS Standard
  • 1
    Great is if you have 8b ram and a 128gb ssd minimum

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Cons of Arch Linux
Cons of Windows 10
  • 4
    Systemd only
  • 3
    Only X86_64 architecture is offically supported
  • 1
    No Guided Installation
  • 1
    System maintenance
  • 1
  • 1
    Comparatively fewer offically supported packages
  • 3
    Lags really much on low end devices
  • 3
    Slow, slow and slow
  • 2
    Worst OS to run on 2GB of RAM
  • 1
    Acts posh
  • 1
    Can't fix bugs yourself

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